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Our Awards

2018 The Cloud Awards

2018 The Cloud Awards

Colin wins most innovative use of data in the cloud

2018 The IOT Awards

2018 The IOT Awards

Colin wins most innovative use of data in the cloud

V3 Technology Awards

V3 Technology Awards

Colin wins most innovative use of data in the cloud

2018 Business Awards

2018 Business Awards

Colin wins most innovative use of data in the cloud

2018 The Big Data Awards

2018 The Big Data Awards

Colin wins most innovative use of data in the cloud

2018 The Cloud Awards

2018 The Cloud Awards

Colin wins most innovative use of data in the cloud


The estuary and coastal scientific data sharing service sub-center is based on the marine scientific data collection standard specification of the main center, establishes a complete sub-center estuary and coastal data collection and update mechanism, and builds a sub-center marine scientific data subordinate to the national marine scientific data sharing service platform The sharing system provides comprehensive and authoritative marine data services for national marine workers and the public.